Saturday, May 16, 2009

Amuma Dara

...which means "I got nothin'" in Wolof.  My iMac is on the fritz so I am having to make due with my husband's laptop. Which means no fancy pictures. Also, my bedroom ceiling fan is on the fritz, as well as our garage door. Shit goes down in threes, ne c'est pas?

So, two short weeks from today my family will be leaving for Senegal, West Africa. For those of you who haven't heard yet, my husband was awarded a summer research grant to begin field work for his next book. It's been 13 years since our last visit, and fatewoon Wolof bu bax (I have forgotten Wolof very much). Et, mon Francias est tres mal (And, my French is very bad). Hopefully, it's all like riding a bike and I will be languaging with the best of 'em.

Much more later. I had hoped to post a teaser pic of Senegal from our last visit, but no. Sorry, friends! You'll have to be teased another time. Stay tuned, mon amis!


  1. Bon jour! Je parle français un peu. J'ai étudié le français quand j'étais à l'université. Et, je suis un gros nerd, donc j'essaie de le parler.

    (I love that I've figured out how to get all of the accents typed on my mac!)

  2. how exciting! I can't wait to hear how your first few days have been.
