Saturday, January 9, 2010


So, I don't make resolutions - too much pressure and so very cliche. Instead, I have "hopes". This year, my big hope is to develop my Etsy shop KiKiBowns to it's fullest potential. That translates to more inventory, MUCH better pictures, and rewrites of product descriptions. Community outreach - approaching various locals shops about product interest. More craft shows. Once I have done as much with it as I feel I could, I am opening another shop: As a diversion to all of those clutches I made for the holiday season, I started knitting wintery accessories - cowls, wraps, fingerless mitts. They were a hit, and I almost couldn't keep up with the orders that came in from my show. So, why not? A wider market and lots of fun! Plus, I like the challenge of creating in new and different ways.

I hope to read more. I was over a dozen short on my 52 in 52: I think from all of the damn knitting I was doing for the holidays, and I could only take so many books to Africa.

I hope to do more yoga (yogahhhhhh). It's all a matter of finding the right class at the right time. I am stronger than I have been, well, ever, and I hope to challenge myself more during my gym time. Perhaps now I don't need to modify as much. Come on, knees, you can do it!

I hope to spend more time with friends and family. We are planning a trip to Chicago in June, and I hope to see as many of my friends and relatives as possible then. And, meet friends that I actually haven't really met yet (in person, anyway).

Lastly, I hope for inner peace and balance.


  1. Looking forward to June! <3

  2. good luck with accomplishing all of your hopes for this year.
